John Robertson

Associate Director (Academic)

University of Strathclyde

John’s research interests include particle design and secondary pharmaceutical processing. John is the principle investigator for the £56M Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (Continuous Direct Compression Grand Challenge), CO-R on the £40M (£10M EPSRC, £30M Industry) Future Continuous Manufacturing and Advanced Crystallisation Research Hub (CMAC Hub) [EP/P006965/1] and CO-I Digital Design Manufacture Amorphous Pharmaceuticals (DDMAP).

John has 25 years industrially applied research experience in pharmaceutical manufacturing and drug delivery technologies. In particular, particle design and continuous drug product manufacture. John has been the technical lead on numerous cutting edge research programs through his 20 year pharmaceutical industry career with GSK/SB, including first implementation of continuous granulation for OSD clinical and commercial manufacture (2005), development of complex particulate drug delivery systems for RNA/DNA delivery, development of advanced drug delivery systems for deep lung delivery and bio-enhancement methods for oral delivery. John joined CMAC in 2015, where he leads a number of research programs in continuous manufacturing, drug product processing and oral dose form design.