Alice Turner

Scientific Writer

University of Strathclyde

Alice works as a science writer with the CMAC Hub. She co-ordinates and acts as lead author of multi-author, multi-university journal papers. She also supports and liaises with researchers to complete Hub papers and dissemination activities. Her research interests include innovative formulation, process development and physical analysis.

Alice gained an honours degree in pharmacology and a master’s by research in drug delivery, before joining the EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation as a PhD student in 2014.

Following her PhD, she joined the CMAC National Facility as a research technician. She primarily worked on formulation and analysis projects, as well as providing analytical support to crystallisation projects, for a range of academic and industrial clients. She then joined Cambrex, Edinburgh, as a solid-state screening project scientist working on a range of polymorph and salt screening projects.